We are a
Resource Center
Without Walls
For those who are, or have been, entangled in the criminal justice system and their families.

CSI Celebrates 20 Years
Supporting Those in Reentry
Transforming Lives and Strengthening Communities

Second Chance News
1/31/2024: Gov. Cooper’s new order calls for more support for formerly incarcerated PEOPLE reentering society
Susan Burton, activist and founder of the nonprofit, A New Way of Life, opens up about the downward spiral that led her to prison after losing her son and how she is now using her experience to help other formerly incarcerated women start fresh with the support they need.
Criminal justice reformers lobby for ‘second chances’ for formerly incarcerated people on May 3, 2023
I know what it’s like not to be able to vote. Stop delaying this NC court order.
We WERE heard…
On Monday, August 23, 2021 judges have restored voting rights to an estimated 55,000 people on parole or probation for a felony, according to a lawyer for the people who challenged the law that has kept them from voting.
“Everyone on felony probation, parole or post-supervision release can now register and vote, starting today,” the challengers’ lawyer, Stanton Jones, said in a text message Monday morning after the ruling came down.

Then Validated…
North Carolina’s law banning many people with felony records from voting after they get out of prison is unconstitutional, a state court ruled on March 28, 2022.
“This landmark decision is the largest expansion of voting rights in NC since the Voting Rights Act of 1965,” said Daryl Atkinson, co-director of Forward Justice and a lead attorney on the case.
Then Denied…
A North Carolina appeals court has temporarily blocked the enforcement of last week’s ruling by trial judges that declared people convicted of felonies can vote while serving their probation or parole.

Our new Community Success Initiative Integrated Care and Collaborative Care Model meets you where you are.
This regional service model connects individuals like yourself to support and therapeutic services in your local community no matter where you are in the state. Whether you have been home one day or one hundred days we are here to assist you with a plan for success.
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead, click the button, fill out the CSI-ICCC Plan and an iTeam member will reach out to you shortly.
After the major success of our 2019 Lobby Day, we came back in 2021 to continue pushing for policies that reduce barriers to successful reentry and provide increased access to opportunities for people directly impacted by the criminal legal system.
Watch the event to see the impact we can make in our communities.
Did you know?
Community Success Initiative is partnering with and supports the NC Community Bail Fund of Durham.
On June 19 (Juneteenth), Andréa “Muffin” Hudson of NCCBFD went to the bank and withdrew $100,000, which was used to pay the bail of more than a dozen men at the Durham County jail so they could spend Father’s Day with their family.
Many of those being held in jails across the country are only there because they cannot afford the bail set by a judge or magistrate. To get to go home before their trial date (sometimes more than A YEAR in the future) they need to pay, put up collateral, or hire a bail bondsman. Yes, most of those who are in our jail system have not yet been convicted of anything, and might very well be innocent.
AND – what is even better – if the person NCCBFD bails out shows up for their court date (which a very high percentage of individuals do), the money spent for their bail goes back into the NCCBFD fund, and can be used again to help someone else.
Watch the video above to see how this Juneteenth Father’s Day Bailout made a difference in several Dad’s lives. By not being in jail, they can keep their job, their homes, and their connection to their families
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Through a network of community partners, we work with men and women in prison, former prisoners, people in transition, and their families as they transition back into family and community life.
We provide small group trainings and individual mentoring in general life skills, leadership, entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and areas related to transitioning back into family and community life.
Are you or one of your clients in need of such help?
The hub of Community Success Initiative’s trainings consists of inspiring people to discover their potential, set worthy goals for their lives, and take action in a positive way.
The 15 Principles of Personal Growth and Leadership form the core of everything we do – training, engagement, mentoring and advocating.
15 Principles of Personal Growth and Leadership
to take you from where you are to where you want to be.
We convene gatherings where people with life experience with the criminal justice and prison systems can network, exchange knowledge and resources, and solve problems. Gatherings may be family sessions to strengthen family relationships or support and empowerment groups for prisoners and former prisoners.
We collaboratively convene round-tables for people to learn more about the criminal justice and prison systems from people with real life experiences. We also organize advocacy efforts around related issues.
The Community Success Initiative (CSI) started in 2004. Find out more about where it started, and how far it has come since then!