Hosted by the National Reentry Resource Center, the MSU Innovation Suite TTA, and George Mason University, with funding support from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance
Date: Monday, April 9
Time: 3–4 pm ET
This webinar will provide a general overview of how to justify the need for a proposed project and the design for the project. The goal is to give guidance on writing a grant proposal that is responsive to Bureau of Justice Assistance grant requirements. Presenters will provide examples of winning grant proposals.
- DeAnna Hoskins, Senior Policy Advisor, Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice
- Faye S Taxman, Ph.D., Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence!, George Mason University
- Amy Murphy, M.P.P., Center for Advancing Correctional Excellence!, George Mason University
Source: JusticeCenter