February 12, 2018
Categories: homelessness

Hosted by SAMHSA’s Homeless and Housing Resource Network

Register for this webinarDate: Wednesday, Feb. 14
Time: 12:30–2 p.m. ET

This webinar will focus on how jail diversion programs can work to avert arrests and assist individuals in connecting with needed services that can help individuals experiencing homelessness resolve their crises and continue the process of recovery.

Topics include the following:

  • Police collaborations with behavioral health providers in crisis response teams that offer police alternatives to arrest,
  • Funding avenues for crisis solutions centers providing access to treatment and housing, and
  • Collaborative work between law enforcement and behavioral health systems to address the needs of individuals experiencing homelessness.

Speakers include:

  • Leon Evans, former President and Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Health Care Services in San Antonio, Texas, will address police collaborations with behavioral health providers in crisis response teams.
  • Officer Nathan Schwiethale, a member of the homeless outreach team (HOT) with the Wichita Police department, will outline their approach.
  • Lieutenant Antonio B. Clay II, of the Community Liaison Unit of the Atlanta Police Department will present on the Atlanta Homeless Outreach Proactive Enforcement (HOPE) team’s work with individuals experiencing homelessness, in collaboration with the Veteran’s Administration, NAMI, and community agencies.

Source: JusticeCenter