The United States Department of Justice
Remarks as prepared for delivery
Thank you, Alan, for that kind introduction. It is a privilege to be here this morning.
I want to thank the Council of State Governments and the Association of State Correctional Administrators for putting on this program. I understand that this summit is the first of its kind. We are joined by leaders from the criminal justice systems of all 50 states. The audience includes lawmakers, corrections administrators, law enforcement officials, and behavioral health professionals.
I commend you attending this summit and for focusing on public safety in your state. Together, we can make a difference. We can reduce crime and violence, and maintain the rule of law.
The term “rule of law” refers to the principle that the United States is governed by law and not arbitrary decisions of government officials.
Rule of law systems are characterized by consistency and predictability. They allow people to plan their lives understanding in advance what rules will govern them.
But the rule of law is not just about words on paper. Any nation can write a good Constitution and adopt reasonable laws. The question is whether people will faithfully implement them.
The rule of law depends upon the character of the people who enforce the law.
It is about all of you.
Source: JusticeCenter