The Justice Reinvestment Initiative Helps Law Enforcement

The Justice Reinvestment Initiative helps states identify how they can support local law enforcement agencies in tackling public safety challenges by providing resources to address law enforcement training needs, crime-fighting strategies, data system upgrades, people...

Justice Reinvestment in Maine: First Presentation

The first presentation to the Maine Commission to Improve the Sentencing, Supervision, Incarceration and Management of Prisoners introduces the Justice Reinvestment process and examines criminal justice and behavioral health trends and challenges in Maine. Source:...

Justice Reinvestment in Vermont: First Presentation

The first presentation to the Vermont Justice Reinvestment II Working Group introduces the Justice Reinvestment process and examines criminal justice and behavioral health trends and challenges in Vermont.   Source: JusticeCenter

Justice Reinvestment in New Mexico: Policy Framework

The final report outlines policy recommendations developed to strengthen supervision practices, reduce the number of probation and parole revocations to prison, and increase support for victims of crime. Source: JusticeCenter