Apply Now: Juvenile Justice Emergency Planning Demonstration Program

Mar 14, 2018

Awards_OJJDPThe U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is seeking applications for the FY 2018 Juvenile Justice Emergency Planning Demonstration Program. In 2009, OJJDP collaborated with several federal agencies as well as state, tribal, county, and local emergency management professionals to develop the Emergency Planning for Juvenile Justice Residential Facilities guide, which assessed emergency preparedness among state, county, and local juvenile justice systems. OJJDP’s assessment concluded that the specific needs of children, youth, and families in the justice system during an emergency were often a low priority in agency emergency preparedness plans. In response, OJJDP will provide funding to support the implementation of principles meant to improve emergency management strategies and services in juvenile justice residential facilities.

The solicitation provides further details about the program. Applications are due by April 16.

Source: JusticeCenter